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Telepon satelite Thuraya XT Lite

Update Terakhir
15 / 03 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
66 kali



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Detail Telepon Satelite Thuraya XT Lite

Telepon satelit Thuraya XT Lite menyediakan konektivitas telepon satelit yang handal dengan kualitas jaringan yang tidak ada duanya. Thuraya XT Lite dirancang dengan desain yang simpel dan sangat mudah digunakan, didukung oleh jaringan satelit yang luas dan stabil sehingga menjadikan proses komunikasi anda terhubung lancar. Anda dapat membuat panggilan telepon dan mengirim pesan SMS dalam mode satelit, Thuraya XT Lite bisa diandalkan disegala medan, seperti lokasi pertambangan, ditengah hutan, melintasi padang pasir, berlayar di lautan atau mendaki gunung.


Calls and text messages in satellite mode
Make calls and send SMS messages in satellite mode whenever there is no terrestrial network available. The advanced omni-directional antenna ensures uninterrupted communications, offering seamless walk-and-talk functionality for calls-on-the-go.

Long-lasting battery life
Thuraya XT-LITE enables reliable communications with a long-lasting battery which provides up to six hours talk time and up to 80 hours standby time.

Ease of use
Simply charge your phone and ensure that your SIM card is working. It’s that simple. You can then program the Thuraya XT-LITE to one of the 13 languages available (Simplified Chinese is available as a separate firmware).

Supported by the most robust and powerful satellite network
Thuraya’s satellite network is renowned for having the most reliable satellite coverage, including approximately 160 countries or two-thirds of the globe. The Thuraya XT-LITE enables you to receive a call notification even with the satellite antenna stowed, keeping you connected at all times.

Additional features include: Address book, alarms, calculator, calendar, call logs, conference calls, contact groups, speed dialing, stopwatch and world time.

Untuk informasi dan pemesanan hubungi:


Office: Jl. Raharja No 9, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12310
Phone: 0812 9393 4948

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